
Step Back in Time With Sharjah’s Art Exhibition Showcasing The Venice & Islamic Cultures

The relationship between Venice and Islamic Art goes way back to the Middle Ages when merchants and diplomats developed a taste for Islamic ceramics, textiles, arms and armour, metalwork and manuscripts, and displayed them in their homes alongside European works of art – Even the fabrics were embroidered in Arabic and they were so incredibly popular among the Venetians that they were found in churches too!

To showcase a never-seen-before collection of impressive artworks and documents preserved by the Fondazione Musei Civici di Venezia, an organisation conserving the cultural and artistic heritage of Venice, held a five-month-long exhibition at Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation.

The visitors can see the display of how the rich exchange between the Islamic world and Venice forged a strong bond between the Middle Ages and The Modern Age that resulted in artistic excellence on both sides and inspired the city’s artists.

The ‘Wonder and Inspiration: Venice and the Arts of Islam’ exhibition will be open to the public till July 2nd, at the Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilisation.

Non vedo l’ora di visitare!


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