
Wholesome News: UAE distributes 106 million meals in just four months


UAE’s really out there doing its best by helping out everyone out there! Huge applause from all of us! Scroll down to read more.

The UAE donated 106 million meals to impoverished families and individuals around the world in just four months, roughly half of its 216-million goal.

Wondering how they did that all in just four months? Well, in 30 nations, smart technologies are being deployed to ensure that food deliveries reach the most vulnerable people. As the drive progresses toward delivering 110 million more meals, blockchain technology and big data solutions will continue to be used. We love how the world is coming together.

“The campaign’s success in distributing the first 100 million meals within just four months highlights the importance of cooperating with regional and international organisations and local charities in beneficiary countries to reach the biggest scope of people,” said Sara Al Nuaimi, director of the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives (MBRGI), the campaign’s organiser.

“With the contributions of its members, institutions, charitable societies, and the business community, the UAE drew the most wonderful image of humanity.”

So far, 3 million meals have been supplied to Lebanon, 3.3 million to Sudan, 6.9 million to Ghana, 3 million to Uganda, and 3 million to Angola as part of the initiative.

Lebanon will receive 19.5 million additional meals in the next phase, while Sudan will receive 5.7 million, Ghana will receive 2.1 million, and Uganda and Angola will each receive 1.5 million additional meals.

To carry out the program, the MBRGI collaborated with the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP), the Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Humanitarian and Charity Establishment (MBRCH), and the Food Banking Regional Network (FBRN). These organizations also collaborated on logistical and food parcel delivery activities with local humanitarian NGOs.

According to Mageed Yahia, WFP director in the UAE and envoy to the GCC, the 100 Million Meals initiative comes as a ray of light after Covid-19 wrecked the global economy and pushed entire communities to the edge of starvation.

Honestly, amazing, amazing news! Good Job UAE! So proud to be living here.

*Claps* 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


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