
Follow These Precautionary Measures to Prevent Getting the Monkeypox Virus

Stay aware!

The Monkeypox virus has been confirmed in one individual in the UAE who recently just flew in from Africa, making it the first Monkeypox case in the UAE. So to help prevent the Monkeypox virus from spreading, here are some precautionary measures you can follow to protect yourself and others around you!

From the CDC:

  • Avoid contact with animals that could harbor the virus (including animals that are sick or that have been found dead in areas where monkeypox occurs).
  • Avoid contact with any materials, such as bedding, that has been in contact with a sick animal.
  • Isolate infected patients from others who could be at risk for infection.
  • Practice good hand hygiene after contact with infected animals or humans. For example, washing your hands with soap and water or using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Use personal protective equipment (PPE) when caring for patients.


  • Cook meals that include animal products well
  • Don’t share personal items with one another like towels

From when you first get infected to the onset of symptoms, it usually takes about 6-13 days and the symptoms can be fever, rashes, headaches, muscle aches, exhaustion and more. You can get treated on your own as well as symptoms just last two to four weeks.

Stay Safe!