
Expo 2020 Dubai Prepares to Blast Through the Milky Way As ‘Space Week’ Commences

We can always count on Expo 2020 Dubai to take us to another world! So, shuttle up and get going to Dubai for one-of-a-kind life experience of exploring space and learning about the latest innovations in space research and travel! 

The ‘Space Week’ will be kicking off from Sunday, October 17th to Saturday, October 23rd, which will be highlighting everything you need to know about space from the research behind the international space mission to the benefits, solutions and challenges of exploring beyound our planet’s orbit.

You can also meet our very own Emirati space stars, Hazza Al Mansouri ( UAE’s first astronaut) and Nora Al Matrooshi (UAE’s first female astronaut) who will take you through the wonders of the cosmos and many more space-y stuff.

Every day has different space-y thing going on and we’ve put together the schedule for the first few days, scroll down to check them out:

October 17

  • The People’s Mission: Citizens in Space Exploration and Space Tech for Inclusive Development, the flagship Space Week event, with famous astronauts making an appearance, takes place all day at Dubai Exhibition Centre (DEC).
  • Chile: Our Space Story — The seminar on Chile’s own space exploration is at 10am at Terra Auditorium.
  • World Majlis | Powers Out of this World: Using Space for the Benefit of All Humanity is at 4pm at Terra Auditorium.

October 18

  • Timor-Leste National Day celebrations will take place at 10.15 am at Al Wasl Plaza.
  • World Giftedness Centre Biennial International Conference — Top-level researchers come together to showcase giftedness best practices from 4pm to 6pm at DEC, Hall 1A North.
  • Matryoshka Festival, featuring the best folk artists from Russia, is from 6pm to 8pm at Dubai Millennium Amphitheatre.
  • Dignified Storytelling, Stories of Great Ambition and Hope — Key figures from space exploration share their stories from 3pm to 5.30pm at Terra Auditorium.
  • Space Session — Four panellists discuss space science in Pakistan all day from 10am to 10pm at DEC, Hall 1A North.

October 19

  • Guyana National Day celebrations are at 10.15am Al Wasl Plaza.
  • Space Business Forum, highlighting technology and progress demonstrated by the UAE, various timings at DEC Hall 2A South.
  • Future Food Forum — Discussion with representatives from the F&B industry, until 6pm, DEC, Hall 1A South.
  • World Majlis | Does Life in Space Offer a Blueprint for a More Sustainable Life on Earth? The session will be from 4pm to 6pm at Terra Auditorium.

& so much more!

The event will be from 10:15 AM to 5 PM at DEC Hall 2A South.

You can register for the tickets HERE & make sure you follow us on Instagram HERE to stay updated on more exciting events happening at Expo 2020 Dubai!

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