
Spain Wants to Pay Young People AED1100 a Month to Move Out of Their Parents’ House

Let’s go?

Imagine someone paying you to live an independent life, sounds fun right? Spain is getting there! In attempts to tackle a growing housing crisis, which is basically all around Europe, Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has proposed, young people in Spain be offered money to move out of their parents’ homes and pay rent somewhere else. At the back of our minds, we’re thinking, man, what an amazing idea but in reality we know, no life without mama!


Sánchez has proposed a monthly €250 (about AED1100) housing subsidy for young adults aged between 18 and 35 who earn under €23,725 (about AED 100,740.31) as part of a wider housing bill. He said, “We need cohesive and sustainable cities that are clean and conducive to the emancipation of young people.”

In Spain, many young people are forced to live with their parents because of high rents, low wages, and high rates of unemployment. People in Spain on average, leave their parents’ homes at the age of 30, compared to the EU average of 26.4 years old.⁣

This bill is yet to be passed into law but we hope the right decision gets taken!

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