
Join Sharjah Ladies Club Tomorrow Night to Learn More About This Holy Month of Ramadan!

So important and needed!

Ramadan is a special and blessed month for many Muslims out there, but some might not know why exactly this month is so special, and so Sharjah Ladies Club is here to teach us all about it!


The lecture which will be talking about the spiritual meaning behind the holy month of Ramadan will be hosted in Sharjah Ladies Club by preacher, Mona Tarish.

It will be on the 14th of April from 10:00 pm to 11:00 pm at night just after the night (Taraweeh) prayers.

Once you visit the place, ask a staff to direct you towards Kunooz Events & Catering, where the event will be taking place.

Send this to your family & friends and join them on an eventful and blessed night of learning about this beautiful month!

How’s your Ramadan going so far?