
Amazing News: Tourists From All Over the World Are Welcome Back to the UAE!

Yay yay yay yay yay!

It’s such a great news for tourists all over the world who wanna visit the UAE! Scroll down to read more information about this!

9 Things You Need to Know Before Traveling to UAE
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The Federal Authority for Identity and Citizenship and the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority have announced that, starting from August 30th 2021, tourist visas will now be available for anyone to apply for from any country as long as they are fully vaccinated with one of the WHO-approved Covid-19 vaccines!

The WHO-approved Covid-19 vaccines are:

  1. AstraZeneca
  2. Pfizer
  3. Janssen
  4. Moderna
  5. AstraZeneca / CoviShield
  6. AstraZeneca / AZD1222
  7. Sinopharm
  8. Sinovac

Yes, this is applicable even for countires that have been previously banned to fly from! However, passengers must still take the mandatory rapid PCR test at the airport as soon as they arrive.

And to make things simpler, tourists can now register their vaccination via the ICA platform or Al Hosn application, to be able to receive the benefits UAE residents get by being vaccinated in the UAE.

The tourist visa is usually granted for 30 or 90 days.

Celebrate this good news with your family & friends! Enjoy!

Happy news everywhere!


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