
Great News: Birthday Parties Are Now Allowed for Children in Dubai!

Party time!

As Covid-19 cases decrease in the UAE, the initial Covid-19 restrictions are starting to ease down! Your children can now celebrate their birthdays in UAE once again! Scroll down to learn more.



Children just love birthday parties, like it’s the perfect time where they can have as much as fun as they want to! From eating lots of cake to playing all day with friends, birthday parties are their number 1 source of happiness and enjoyment! So imagine how they felt when Covid-19 restricted them from being able to have those little bursts of happiness!

Fortunately, now birthday parties are allowed for children and can be hosted in recreational venues and play areas! However everyone must still maintain social distancing and wearing masks! They must also stick by the rules of sanitizing constantly and also respecting the amount of people allowed in the certain venues they choose for the parties.

Plus, whoever hosts the party must sign a commitment letter stating that they will follow all the precautionary measures during the party and take full responsibility for it.

It has also been mentioned that people with medical conditions are not allowed to enter the party, while those who are elderly and have other health conditions are recommended to stay home.

But yay, we can still celebrate that parties are back and it’s time to start having some fun again!

Enjoy and stay safe!


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