
GUESS WHAT! Teens 15 & Above Can Now Have Part Time Jobs in the UAE!


You read that right! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER, UAE has allowed teens 15 & above to get part-time jobs in order to enhance their skills and work experiences so they can have a better and easier future! 


Now we all know that in countries such as the US and the UK, it’s quite normal to have teens working jobs while attending school, however NOW, we’ll have that in the UAE as well!

Authorities stated that the experience would allow young people to gain work experience and earn money while continuing their studies. Hellz Yeah it will!

“Anyone who’s living here, who’s above 15 years old, can apply for a temporary job,” Dr Thani Al Zeyoudi, Minister of State for Foreign Trade, said at an event to unveil the first projects associated with the Year of the 50th, to celebrate the country’s golden jubilee.

“We don’t want them to stop their education, but it’s a temporary visa to give them access to their market, shape up their skills and see the sectors they want to study and want to have a future in.”

Now, if you need to show your parents this article and to convince them…WE GOT YOU.


Chandini Misra, senior school head at Repton Al Barsha, one of Dubai’s top private schools, believes that young people should be exposed to the workplace much earlier.

“Experiencing work at this age is a fantastic way for young people to harbour increased independence and a sense of responsibility,” she said. “They can develop key skills such as time management and prioritising, allowing for effective preparation for full-time employment.”

Traditionally, first-time jobs in the service sector have included simple tasks such as shelf-stacking in supermarkets, waiting in cafes, and cleaning up in kitchens.

Naim Maadad, a Dubai-based restaurateur, said he would hire teenagers to work in his restaurants, but that it would take some time for parents and children to adjust.

Nowadays, when applying to get into a university or even a job, having prior experience is extremely important and really makes your resume stand out! It also is a great experience for all the young kids out there to realistically see how life is and be able to learn some very important skills such as dealing with people, money, time management etc.

Plus…you’ll be making MONEY! No longer needing to ask your parents for cash whenever you go out will feel great!

So this is your chance! Apply for that permit now and start working!

A game changer for all the young people out there!


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