
New Covid-19 Rules Announced for the Upcoming Eid Al Adha Prayers!

Make sure you know them!

UAE has announced new covid-19 rules that worshippers should follow during the Eid Al Adha prayers which will occur on July 9, the first day of Eid! Scroll down below to read them!

  • The prayer and sermon will last no more than 20 minutes.
  • Worshippers must wear masks and keep a one-metre distance between themselves.
  • They are required to bring their own mats.
  • To prevent crowding, police and volunteers will monitor entry and exit from places of worship.
  • On Eid, mosques and musallahs will open after the Fajr prayer.
  • Outside of places of worship, spaces may be prepared to receive worshippers in a socially distant manner. Parks and other nearby areas can be used to accommodate additional worshippers.
  • Before and after prayer, gatherings and handshakes are still prohibited.

Stay safe everyone!