
There’s Talk Going on That UAE Will Change Weekends Into Saturday & Sunday


There’s talk going around social media platforms that the UAE will be changing the usual weekend, from Friday & Saturday to Saturday & Sunday like the rest of the world.

There was a rumor about this before earlier in May but UAE officials denied it right away. However, it is now being brought back onto the surface which is making us all question whether this is actually happening.

Some well known Emiratis are talking about it on Twitter which hints that this might be applied soon. Plus, it isn’t like UAE never changed a rule before, as in 2006, they changed to the current weekend days we have now. So who knows what’s cookin!

Translation: “Goodbye Thursday forever! Change is coming soon.”

Although, many people are concerned about what happens to Friday as it is a day where all the muslims come together to pray the Friday afternoon prayers in the mosque. But Dr Habib Al Mulla, A lawyer and writer in UAE tweeted that there would be a half day on Friday, which means people can pray and then work from home. 

Translation: “The possibility that work will be on Friday from home and only half a day, and therefore the two good deeds will be combined”

So that doesn’t seem too bad now does it!

Let us know how you feel about this and make sure to follow us on Instagram HERE.

Let’s keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best!