
UAE-Based Girls Crew Break Guinness World Record in the Longest Rowing Race


The Girls Who Dare team is an all-women rowing crew created by Jane Leonard, Orlagh Dempsey and Vicki Anstey who is from the UK spent two whole months trying to cross the Pacific Ocean in a small rowing boat from San Francisco to Hawaii, and no doubt they did it incredibly well!

These three powerful and inspiring women took part in the Great Pacific Race as an attempt to raise awareness of the many opportunities that the world has to offer for all the girls and women to step out of their comfort zones and live their lives to the fullest. They also helped raise funds for three charities including ‘Harlequins Foundation’ which is an independent charity that Anstey is an ambassador of!

The team spent months planning and getting prepped for a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and finally set off on May 31st for their 4,400km mission. They would split the 24 hours of the day by rowing for four hours, resting for two and then getting back to rowing for another four hours. Wondering how they slept? they would take turns sleeping in a small 2mx1.5m cabin!

They finally broke the record they were going for by two full days and set a new Guinness world record of 60 days, 13 hours and 13 minutes after they crossed the finish like in Waikiki, Honolulu. The previous world record was 62 days, 18 hours and 36 minutes.

They fought hard and strong for their battle against mother nature and despite all those difficult weather conditions to pass the boat through, their body was also in a constant battle with their hands getting swollen with blisters all over them along with more body sores.

Regardless of all the challenges they faced, these incredible women proved what they were set out to do and we would like to congratulate them for their efforts!

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