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Here Are 10 Ways You Can Prepare for Eid Al Adha in Advance


Eid Al Adha is just a week away & we are so excited! It is a celebration that many Muslims around the world look forward to so they can enjoy with their family & friends! So because of how special the occasion is, we made a list of how you can prepare for Eid! Scroll down to see the list.

Find a goat to sacrifice or pay a person/place to do it in your name

The Abattoirs of Dubai Municipality provides smart apps for animal sacrifice. Cooperation is sought with a set of smart applications helping the public to purchase livestock without the need for the customer to visit the abattoir. Home delivery is also made available.

The smart applications for animal sacrifice request include “Al Mawashi” app, “Turki” app, “Shabab Al Freej” app and the “Dhabayih Aldaar” app. The animals are slaughtered under Municipality supervision in the abattoirs.

Sacrificial animals can also be requested from charities such as Dar Al Ber Society, Dubai Charity Association, Red Crescent Authority, Al Ihsan Charity Association, Sharjah Charity International, Beit Al Khair Society, in addition to the UAE Food Bank.

Go Eid shopping

Eid is the time where everyone gets ready and looks their best, so it’s the perfect time to hit some malls/bazaars! Some places you can check out: Al Zahia Mall, Sharjah City Centre, Sahara Centre, Sharjah Cinema Market, Zamzam Market, Ghwair Centre, Shaab Village, Al Souq Al Kadeem, 1020 Avenue.

Henna Bookings

Girls, get your henna artists booked on time, unless you have someone in your family doing it for you, so that you can actually enjoy the process and not stress about it.

We did an article on some of the best local henna artists, you can read more about them HERE.

Book an appointment at the salon or at a barber

Perfect time to go get them nails done or have your hair styled for all those upcoming Eid pics! Check out some of the best salons/barbers in Sharjah HERE.

Clean & decorate the house

It’s always fun to decorate houses for special occasions. You can add lights, bukhoor ( a good fragrance in the house) and any kind of Eid decoration! You can decorate with your family to make it more meaningful and joyful!

Arrange a gift exchange with family & friends

What is Eid without gifts 😉 This is the time to gift your loved ones either with money or just some gifts to make their day! It’s a time where everyone gathers together and enjoys the small things in life while making memories that will always be remembered.

Prepare activities for the kids

If you have little ones at home or know a few that will be coming over to visit you, prepare a few activities to keep them busy and happy while the grown-ups have time to catch up.

Mini puzzles, activity books, hosting games like musical chairs, finding hidden sweets around the house, will surely keep them occupied for a while.

Giving back to the community

There is nothing more special than giving back to those who are less fortunate or anyone you know who are not getting the chance to spend Eid with their loved ones. Donating to a charity or even small acts of kindness such as preparing food, handing out sweets/care packages, or even giving out cold drinks, can go a long way.

Get Plenty of Rest

We know how chaotic Eid mornings can get and especially throughout the day when you have so much to do and attending to the guests arriving at your place, it can get very tiring. So, make sure to get all the preps completed the day before and call it an early night so you can wake up on time for the Eid Prayer as well 😉

Keep safe & follow the Covid-19 protocols

Let’s not forget the little stubborn virus is still out there so please be sure to social distance as much as you can and wear masks at all times if you find yourself in a crowd. Yes, it can be hard but nothing is more important than yours and your family’s health.

Please take care of yourselves

Lastly, take this eid as an opportunity to cherish the things around you and your loved ones, take this time to make memories that will last a lifetime, enjoy the little things.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram HERE!

6 days to Eid! :)))

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