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Here’s Your Back to Uni Essentials Checklist: 2021 Edition

Here We Go Again…


It’s almost that time of the year and we’re prepping for back to school! We know how sad, nerve-wracking and stressful time this can be for students going back to school/uni, overthinking of what’s to come ahead. But, there is no better way to start a new year than PLANNING!

So, we’ve put together a few important uni essentials/need to do in a checklist just in time for you to start your uni prep, making this whole process more productive and stress-free to set a clear goal for the upcoming semester.

Set Your Goals For This Year

It is so important that you take the time to remember the things you did right and wrong, whatever is wrong, think of what you can do differently this coming semester and not repeat the same thing again. What is right, take it forward with you.
Write down your goals of what you would like to achieve this academic year, whether it is studying every day for at least 4 hours or sticking to a new learning method.
Writing these goals down will have you re-focus on what’s important, making you more motivated and clear on what you will be doing this year.

Get Familiar With Your New Schedule

This is especially important if you’re a freshman and don’t know the campus inside and out.
Make sure to look into your schedule in more detail, check where your classrooms could possibly be located, doing all this will ensure you won’t be late on your first day.

Go Through Your Course Material

Most universities do allow you to see what you will be doing for your course throughout the semester beforehand. If not, then revise what you learnt last year so you don’t have to waste your time learning everything all over again. This is another great way to feel more prepared for the first week of uni and not being completely clueless lol.

Organise your files on your laptop

To all those students returning back who were too lazy to delete and organise your files during the summer holidays – though don’t worry you’re not the only one *ahem ahem* – how annoying would it be to fix up your last year’s and this year’s files? ORGANISE THEM!
A good tip for this: organise your uni work according to your subject/courses instead of the year, this way it will be easier for you to find what you need quicker.

Make A COVID Essentials Kit

Most of us are nervous to get back back to the campus and slowly transition into our life before a little virus entered this world. Make sure to keep extra masks, pocket-size hand sanitiser and disinfectant wipes. Having a kit especially for this will help keep your bag organised and clutter-free.

Stationery Supplies List

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t get excited over stationery shopping! oh, the joy!
With all that excitement, you could truly end up purchasing items you may never use for the year, so make smart choices regarding what you really need on your day-to-day basis, also keeping in mind you will have to carry them with you every day. Again, make a list.


Most of the courses require an electronic device to do your essays, watch lectures, read digital textbooks etc. and we know how frustrating it can be when your phone/laptop is running out of charge. So, do remember to bring your charger along or invest in a good, affordable portable power bank to take it with you at all times.

Reusable Water Bottle

Staying hydrated is so important especially in this heat and believe it to not, your hydration levels can really impact your cognitive functioning in a classroom causing you to learn better and efficiently or not. To further support this fact, science says drinking water improves your brain functionality by 15% and as there is no way for your brain to store water, it is necessary to continually intake fluids to maintain those water levels.

Enjoy your last few weeks of summer

This is your chance to take it slow and wrap up your summer holidays. Do whatever you possibly wanna do, whether it’s going to a waterpark with friends or taking a road trip, do it! This will help you get back to study mode when it is time. Release it all out!


Remember to breathe, to believe in yourself and be confident in who you are, most of all, go with the mindset that you are there to learn and absorb everything like a sponge, this is your chance.

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