
This Town in Italy Created Its Own Sun

Need is key

Viganella, a town in Italy’s region Piedmont, is located on the Alps and surrounded by mountains. The location of the town is such that the sun doesn’t shine there for 83 days straight, from November 11th to February 2nd. It hides behind one of the mountains and ‘natural’ sun doesn’t reach the town during this time.

In 2005, the-then mayor of the region along with an architect decided to do something to conquer the dark days that surrounded the village for almost 3 months. They designed and created a huge mirror, placed in such a way that it could reflect sunlight to the town, and by 2006, the town had its own sun! The mirror was designed in such a way that it automatically turned to keep reflecting the sunlight towards the town square.

You might wonder that this may cause fire, but the main aspect of the mirror is that it is plain, had it been convex, it would have caused problems. The light rays are spread in such a way that it doesn’t exceed the right temperature.

Improvise, adapt, overcome!


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